How To Activate Epicor Global Alerts In Less Than A Minute?

How to activate Epicor global alert in less than a minute?

The global alert functionality in the Epicor Kinetic is a great feature to help users track certain activities within the application. Users will most certainly be impressed once they unlock the potential of this feature. Read more..

Why BAQ execution plan is so important when you’re moving to Epicor Cloud?

  Why BAQ execution plan is so important when you’re moving to Epicor Cloud? (Or) Are you designing your BAQ’s efficiently? Have you heard sometimes your IT Administrator saying that… I saw a spike in the memory and CPU usage of the Epicor servers. I got a complaint from the Continue Reading

Extending EPICOR ERP – Data Model Regeneration

You will have to use the Epicor Administration Console to incorporate customizations into the database and activate Business Process Management (BPM) directives. Users can customize the Epicor application database by adding user-defined columns. [Read More]